david, you were so brave, but like they say 'god only takes the best' and he decided to take you then:( you died peacefully, and you were a brave soldier. you kept fighting and never gave up! rip davidxxxx
paige rowell
8th January 2011
david you were such an inspiration to everyone, you went through all that pain, and you were always a fighter, and you never gave up. you will be the brightest star in the sky, you were a brave soldier, and you died in the best way possible, because you didnt deserve a painful death. keep looking down on your family, they are so proud of you..everyone is. not a day will go by where they dont think of you david, rip soldier, xxxx
rip david<3
8th January 2011
so very sorry on the loss of such a young life, he will never leave you, you will always have his beautiful memories in your heart god bless all of your family at this time x
karen gill
16th December 2010